Data Wrangling and Data Cleaning Using Excel - Top Three Data Cleaning Tips using Excel


What Is Data Wrangling?

Errors are eliminated and complex data sets are combined in the process of "data wrangling," which makes the data easier to access and interpret. Large volumes of data must be stored and organized for analysis, since the amount of data and data sources available today grow at an accelerating rate.

Rearranging, converting, and mapping data from one "raw" form to another is called "data wrangling," often referred to as "data munging," and it is done to improve its usefulness and value for a range of downstream applications, such as analytics.

The process of organizing, sanitizing, and formatting unprocessed data into a format that analysts can utilize to make decisions quickly is known as data wrangling. Data wrangling, often referred to as data cleaning or data munging, helps organizations to handle more complex data faster, generate more precise findings, and make better decisions.

Importance of Data Wrangling

The following sums up the main benefit of employing data-wrangling tools:
1. Making useable the raw data. A precise wrangling process ensures that high-quality data is incorporated into the subsequent analysis. 
2. Transferring all the data to a single, usable location from different sources.
assembling raw data in the necessary manner and comprehending the data's business context
3. In order to clean up and transform source data into a format that is consistent and repeatable based on end requirements, automated data integration technologies are employed as data wrangling approaches. 4. Companies do critical cross-data set analytics using this standardized data. 
5. Purging the data of errors and missing or faulty components
6. Data wrangling is a step in the process that gets ready for data mining, which is collecting and organizing data. 
7. Assisting business users in making timely

Benefits of Data Wrangling

1. Data wrangling transforms data into a format that is compatible with the final system, which enhances data usability. 
2. It facilitates the rapid development of data flows within user-friendly interfaces and makes scheduling and automating the data-flow process simple.
3. Integrates data from a variety of sources, including files, databases, and web services.
4. Assist users in effortlessly processing vast amounts of data and exchanging data-flow strategies.

How to Clean Data in Excel?

1. Remove Duplicates

Eliminating duplicates from data in Excel is one of the simplest methods of data cleaning. It is highly likely that it will inadvertently make duplicate copies of the data without the user's awareness. In these kinds of situations, duplicate values can be removed.

Here, you need to select the columns you want to compare for duplication. Another critical step is to check in the headers' option as you included the column names in the data set. Excel will automatically scan it by default.


Next, you must compare all columns, so go ahead and check all the columns as shown below.


Select Ok, and Excel performs the operations required and provides you with the data set after filtering out the duplicate data, as shown below.


In the next part of Excel Data Cleaning, you will understand data parsing from text to column.

2. Data Parsing from Text to Column

A comma or another data delimiter may occasionally be used to separate multiple data elements in a single cell. For illustration, let's say that address information is stored in a single column.

The street, district, state, and country are stored in the address column. The data elements are separated by commas. The street, district, state, and country from the address columns must now be separated into their own columns.

Here, you have the car manufacturer and the car model name separated by space as the data delimiter. The tabular data is shown below.


Select the data, click on the data option in the toolbar and then select "Text to Column", as shown below.


A new window will pop up on the screen, as shown below. Select the delimiter option and click on "next". In the next window, you will see another dialogue box.


In the new page dialogue box, you will see an option to select the type of delimiter your data has. In this case, you need to select the "space" as a delimiter, as shown below.


In the last dialogue box, select the column data format as "General", and the next step should be to click on the finish, as shown in the following image.


The final resultant data will be available, as shown below.


Followed by Data parsing, in this tutorial about Excel Data Cleaning, you will learn how to delete all formatting.

3. Spell Check

The feature of checking the spelling is available in MS Excel as well. To check the spellings of the words used in the spreadsheet, you can use the following method. Select the data cell, column, or sheet where you want to perform the spell check.


Now, go to the review option as shown below.


Microsoft Excel will automatically show the correct spelling in the dialogue box, as shown below. You can replace the words as per the requirement as shown below.


The final reviewed data table will like the one below.


In the next segment of this Excel Data Cleaning tutorial, you will learn about changing the text case.

Communism in a Nutshell: A Simplified Explanation of Marx’s Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto

Hello Readers, 

This most probably would be my first book review, as a book reader, as for many years I didn’t prefer to write reviews as I thought that might be biased, as I believe books are not necessarily accepted or liked by everyone.

I picked this book, The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as I was curious to know much about communism and socialism. I have seen many people talking about communism and they don’t actually know much about it.

This book originally was first published in 1848. It is considered one of the most influential political and economic texts ever written, and it has had a profound impact on the course of human history. Many states passed laws to ban the communist symbol and the book.

Humans are greedy and they usually have very little regard for how it impacts others, humans are competitive in nature and can survive, which they need to do and usually, they do that, this competitive nature doesn’t only mean adaptation but also they possess the ability to greedily compare and feel themselves as better than others. They also consider themselves as they are entitled to more than others and they try to take what they feel they’re entitled to. Marxism floats the idea that this ability of a competitive nature could be the fruit of the capitalist ideology.

The selfish misconception that induces you to transform into eternal laws of nature and of reason the social forms springing from your present mode of production and form of property.

- Karl Marx

The statement criticizes how dominant classes throughout history have justified their privilege, from ancient to feudal societies, by framing their property relations as natural and reasonable

The Manifesto begins with a declaration that all history is the history of class struggle. Marx and Engels argue that society is divided into two main classes: the bourgeoisie (the ruling class) and the proletariat (the working class). Under capitalism, the bourgeoisie owns the means of production (e.g., factories, machinery, land), while the proletariat must sell their labour to survive.

Marx and Engels argue that capitalism is inherently exploitative. The bourgeoisie profits from the labour of the proletariat, but they do not pay them the full value of their labour. This exploitation leads to a growing inequality between the two classes.

Eventually, the proletariat will rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie. This revolution will lead to the establishment of a socialist society, in which the means of production will be owned and controlled by the working class. Socialism is a transitional stage between capitalism and communism.

Communism, according to Marxism, is a classless society in which the means of production are owned in common and everyone contributes according to their ability and receives according to their needs. Marx and Engels believed that communism was the ultimate goal of human history.

The Communist Manifesto is a complex and challenging text, but it is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the modern world. It is a powerful and persuasive critique of capitalism, and it offers a vision of a more just and equitable society.

Here are some of the key features of The Communist Manifesto:

1. The books discussed the division of humans into classes.

2. The bourgeoisie has taken control of politics, so there is no distinction between the people and the people who are governing them. Either they’ve taken control of the state or they’ve their members in the governance.

3. Humans relate to each other in terms of cash, what they can get and receive from each other, which in turn people see each other as commodities.

4. The bourgeoisie class exploits the world and the perfect example is colonialism. The differentiating culture and character of nations are dissolving and people accept each other’s in terms of the universal civilized culture. All people have to be alike in order to be called civilized.

5. Capitalism also focuses on centralization and power, and the exploitation ideology of capitalism is justified by the political and religious solutions, this exploitation becomes socially accepted.

Stages of Revolution:

Marx explains how the communist revolution begins, which explains and describes the events by which the proletariat units, as all the exploited people become united by the facts as they all are mutually exploited, and eventually they could overthrow the ruling class, so the first stage is considered the realization of facts.

The second stage means to overthrow the bourgeoisie supremacy as proletariats can seize the means of production.

The third stage is to seize the infected (said by Marx) political system after overtaking the economic supremacy.

Arguments against the manifesto

Now let me share the pessimistic approach of the communist manifesto, as commonly shared by different critics.

1. By inverting the class hierarchy we still will have the class systems as the proletariat can take over the bourgeoisie. This indeed not only increases the productive forces but also still will be the centralized system.

2. Marx says after the takeover the system will be free, and they will be accumulating wealth not only for survival but rather than they will enjoy it.

3. The call for overthrow is actually a call for violence and provides a destructive approach towards the solution.

4. The communist approach to control the aspects of the economy is believed to be authoritarian, it will be the loss of freedom and liberty.

5. The critics believe that society will observe the death of economic efficiency, there will be no incentives for the people who work hard or are innovative, which indeed will lead to the decline of productivity and economic growth.

The Communist Manifesto has been criticized by some for its utopianism and its advocacy for violence. However, it remains one of the most important and influential political and economic texts ever written.

Never Fear Scam Emails That Say, Hi Prey, "This is My Last Warning, My Prey." - A Guide to Understand Sextortion Emails

Cybercriminals use a false phishing campaign called "Hi Prey, This is My Last Warning" to trick unsuspecting victims. This bogus email purports to have a video of you or a password that might be used to demand money. What you need to know to recognise and thwart this fraud is provided here.

Cyber Criminals

Synopsis of the Fraud/ Sextortion Emails:

The phishing email that begins, "My Prey, This is My Last Warning," addresses the receiver as "my prey" and makes the claim that it has private films and information about them. According to the notification, hackers gained access to your webcam and made offensive videos of you using malware that was installed on your device.

The email continues by threatening to send your personal info and the alleged embarrassing video footage to all of your contacts if you don't pay a $500 Bitcoin ransom within the next 24 hours. It offers a Bitcoin wallet address where payments can be made.

Naturally, the hackers never had actual access to your system or footage of you. The email is a hoax that was sent to a large number of recipients in an attempt to scare them into paying up. As an illustration, consider this:

Hi, my prey. This is my last warning.

I write you since I attached a trojan on the web site with porno which you have viewed. My trojan captured all your private data and switched on your camera which recorded the act of your solitary sex. Just after that the trojan saved your contact list.

I will erase the compromising video records and info if you transfer 710 United States Dollars in bitcoin.

This is address for payment: 1DvEgCFc6MHsbajRvkctjUPAPtn51b6DcN

I give you 24 hours after you open my message for making the payment. As soon as you read the message I’ll see it right away. It is not necessary to tell me that you have sent money to me. This address is connected to you, my system will erased automatically after transfer confirmation.

*If you need 40h just Open the calculator and type +,+. *

If you don’t pay, I’ll send dirt to all your contacts. Let me remind you – I see what you’re doing. If you try to deceive me, I’ll know it immediately. I don’t live in your country. Bye. Don’t forget about the shame and to ignore, your life can be ruined.

The "My Prey" phishing scam appears like this. This is how the scammers conduct their dishonest extortion scheme.

The hackers using this scam email extract money from victims by using cunning social engineering techniques. This is the sequential procedure:

1. Getting Email Addresses

 Scammers use a variety of dishonest methods to get massive lists of email addresses belonging to potential victims, such as:

  1. Purchasing purloined email lists via the dark web black market
  2. breaking accessing databases and websites to steal account information
  3. Using tools for email harvesting to collect addresses from the internet
  4. taking advantage of sites' security flaws to obtain user data
  5. obtaining email lists that have been compromised

They are able to start widespread scam campaigns with a compilation of thousands of email addresses.

2. Write a Menacing Email of Demand

The phishing email is expertly written by the thieves to maximise fear and create panic. The letter uses the recipient's name as "my prey" in an attempt to elicit sympathy.

According to the email, the con artists obtained access to your contacts list and webcam by infecting your smartphone with spyware from an explicit website. They threaten to send embarrassing video footage supposedly captured of you masturbating to all your contacts unless you pay within 24 hours.

3. Alter the Email Address of the Sender\

Technical ploys are employed by the con artists to conceal the true origin of the email. They pretend to be the sender of the email, making it look as though it originated from your account instead than the scammer's.

When your email address appears in the "From" section, it validates the message and supports the idea that someone hacked your system.

4. Give directions for paying with bitcoin.

Since Bitcoin provides greater privacy than traditional financial accounts and transactions, payment through it is required. A Bitcoin wallet address and payment amount are included in the email.

By using Bitcoin, victims can pay the ransom without difficulty and avoid using bank transactions, which have more security precautions and paper trails. The thieves are able to obtain payments in secret thanks to this.

5. Await Payment from Victims

Since Bitcoin provides greater privacy than traditional financial accounts and transactions, payment through it is required. A Bitcoin wallet address and payment amount are included in the email.

By using Bitcoin, victims can pay the ransom without difficulty and avoid using bank transactions, which have more security precautions and paper trails. The thieves are able to obtain payments in secret thanks to this.

How to Recognise This Email Scam / Email Phishing

Even if these emails of extortion may appear genuine, there are ways to spot the scam:

Sender Address: Scammers frequently use email spoofing to make their messages appear to be from you. To find out the actual originating address, however, you can examine the entire header.

Poor Spelling and Grammar: Phoney emails frequently have strange wording and grammatical problems. Reputable businesses will use formal lettering.

Threatening Words: If money isn't received, no legitimate company would use threats to distribute fictitious recordings purporting to be of you.

Feeling of Urgency: Fraudsters put brevities on payment terms, such as 24 or 48 hours. Reasonable time frames for action are provided by valid notices.

Demands for Bitcoin Ransom: Reputable businesses won't make you pay untraceable Bitcoin in order to get out of trouble. This is dubious.

No Proof Presented: There will be no proof in this email.

Absurd Claims: No reputable organisation would feign shock at claims like using malware to record you without permission.

Promises to "Erase" Information: After receiving a Bitcoin payment, a reputable business would not be able to suddenly remove malware infections or films.

Dangers of Being Found Out: If requests aren't met, no legitimate business would risk damaging its brand by disclosing confidential information.

When examining any dubious email, exercise caution and common sense. Before taking any further action, confirm the legitimacy of an email with the company.

What to Do If Email Scam Has Targeted You

If you come across an email posing as "My Prey, This is My Last Warning" and demanding Bitcoin, follow these crucial steps:

Avoid paying the ransom.

Do not, under any circumstances, pay the ransom, no matter how scary the email appears. The con artists don't actually own any videos of you or have access to your system. Paying them will just serve to finance new frauds.

Report this email as fraudulent.

Send the bogus email to the abuse department of your email provider so they can stop the phoney account. Their infrastructure is disrupted when phishing scams are reported.

Launch an antivirus programme

It’s unlikely any malware is on your device as claimed, but running an anti-virus scan removes any potential threats present. Make sure your security software is up-to-date.

Switch Passwords and Turn on 2 factor authentication

Make sure your passwords are strong and lengthy by changing them for your email account and any other important internet accounts. For an additional degree of protection, enable two-factor authentication.

Be Aware of Suspicious Activities

Keep a watchful eye on your financial statements for any odd charges or transactions. Keep a look out for strange activities, such as unexpected login attempts, that might point to a real compromise.

Disregard Further Demanding Emails

The hacker may send other threats requesting Bitcoin if the first scam email is not paid. Disregard them; conversing with hacking invites more abuse.

Unlocking the Secrets to Accelerated Learning: 7 Proven Strategies

Unlocking the Secrets to Accelerated Learning: 7 Proven Strategies 


A vital quality in the fast-paced world of today is the capacity to learn quickly. The ability to efficiently learn new knowledge is a game-changer for anyone looking to thrive in their education or advance in their career, whether they are a professional looking to keep ahead in their field. Fortunately, there are practical methods that can make learning quicker and more efficient. We'll look at seven essential strategies to speed up your learning in this article.

Brain Cells

1. Exercise: Boosting Brain Power

Exercise Image

Exercise has a significant positive impact on your cognitive capacities in addition to being good for your physical health. Regular physical activity encourages the production of neurotransmitters that improve mood and cognitive function, such as dopamine and serotonin. Additionally, physical activity increases the synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that promotes the development of new brain cells and fortifies connections between existing ones. Your ability to learn and retain information can be improved by adding exercise to your regimen.

2. Focus: The Power of Meditation

Distractions are among the biggest obstacles to effective learning. Practice concentrated concentration methods like meditation to combat this. Meditation teaches your mind to stay focused and thwart straying ideas. You may improve your focus, which is essential for quick learning, by setting aside time each day for meditation.

3. Practice Alertness: Harnessing Ultradian Rhythms

Our brains naturally cycle through periods of high alertness, which typically last 8 to 30 minutes, followed by a period of decreasing alertness, according to research. Learn to recognize your individual ultradian cycles in order to maximize your learning. During times of heightened alertness, take on your most difficult activities. If you see that your concentration is slipping, take a quick break or switch to something less cognitively taxing. It is possible to use this cycle to increase output.

4. Sleep: Consolidating Knowledge

Sleep Image

Sleep is crucial for memory and learning. Your brain consolidates knowledge from short-term memory into long-term memory as you sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of sound sleep each night to give your brain enough time to perform this important task. Regular, restorative sleep will improve your capacity to absorb new information.

5. Repeat: The Power of Repetition

One of the guiding principles of learning is repetition. It strengthens brain connections and ingrains information. Regular practice and repetition are essential to mastery whether you're learning a new language, a musical instrument, or scientific topics. Divide complicated subjects into manageable chunks and go over them again and again to make sure you understand them.

6. Take Breaks: The Pomodoro Technique

Continuously working long hours might result in burnout and decreased productivity. Francesco Cirillo's Pomodoro Technique encourages short, intense work sessions followed by quick rests. Work for around 25 minutes before taking a 5-minute break. Take a lengthier pause of 15 to 30 minutes following the completion of four cycles. This approach improves learning efficiency overall, reduces tiredness, and maximizes concentration.

7. Embrace Mistakes: A Path to Growth

Don't be frightened to make mistakes. Mistakes are not opportunities for failure but rather for progress. Your brain feels obligated to change when you push yourself and make mistakes because you have to learn from those experiences. Accepting failure encourages a growth mentality, which is necessary for ongoing learning and development. Be kind to yourself and think of failures as stepping stones on the path to achievement.


By using these seven tried-and-true techniques, you can learn faster. Include exercise in your daily routine, meditate to practice paying attention, and the time you learning to match your innate ultradian rhythms. Put a high priority on getting enough sleep, believe in the power of repetition, and use the Pomodoro Technique for productive study sessions. Finally, keep in mind that making mistakes is a necessary aspect of learning because it opens the door to development and mastery. By implementing these strategies, you'll be able to learn more quickly and create new opportunities for success in both your personal and professional lives.

Top 5 data recovery software's in 2023

 Don't worry if you have accidentally deleted any important files and also have removed them from the recycle bin. There are still chances that you can recover the file. You don't want to lose a crucial file and not be prepared for it. Instead, you should have dependable data recovery software set up on your computer, and this article is here to assist you in selecting the finest option.

1. Disk Drill Data Recovery (Windows & Mac)

Because it can easily recover lost or deleted data from all internal and external storage media, independent of their file system, Disc Drill is one of the best data recovery programmes for Windows and Mac.

  1. Hundreds of file formats are supported
  2. Incredibly strong recovery abilities
  3. Seek for lost partition
  4. Characteristics for data backup and protection
  5. User interface that is simple
  6. Free data recovery for up to 500 MB (Windows)
  7. Having the ability to mount scan results as a folder
  1. No telephone support
  2. Typical scan speed
  3. Linux file systems only receive limited support

Releases and licencing:
Disc Drill Pro: $89 Disc 
Drill Basic: Free
Enterprise Disc Drill: $499

2. R-Studio (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

The target audience for this all-inclusive data recovery software solution is more seasoned users who may benefit from its robust features and wide range of options.

1. Advanced capabilities for data recovery experts
2. Disc sanitization feature is accessible as a bootable ISO image Negatives:

1. Untechnical users shouldn't use this.
2. Does not show results while scanning.
3. Just a few file formats can be a preview.

Releases and licencing:
R-Studio FAT costs $49.99, R-Studio NTFS costs $59.99, R-Studio costs $79.99, R-Studio costs $179.99, and R-Studio costs $899.00.

3. PhotoRec (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Strong file recovery capabilities and support for numerous systems are features of PhotoRec. As long as you can figure out how to utilise it, PhotoRec can handle both digital cameras and conventional hard drives.

1. Suitable with all popular OS systems
2. Roughly 300 file families are recovered
3. Support for a variety of file systems

1. Frightening for newcomers
2. During the scan, every file is automatically recovered.
3. File names and folder structures cannot be recovered.

4. Recuva (Windows)

You may recover any type of file from your hard drive, memory cards, floppy discs, iPod or MP3 player, USB sticks, or any other storage device with the little shareware programme Recuva.

1. Low cost
2. Free version is offered
3. Preview screen Negatives:

1. Cannot recover as many files as more expensive competitors
2. The user interface is somewhat old.
3. Restoring the original folder structures and file names is only partially supported.

Data Rescue (Windows & Mac)

1. Clean and tidy interface
2. Able to copy a drive that might be failing onto a healthy drive
3. Selects a number of RAID configurations automatically


1. Complex multi-step recuperation procedure that is unnecessary
2. Expensive

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